
Qazi Abad, Handwara, Kashmir

Tehreek-i Adab Kashmir is a non-Political literary organisation with head office at Supernaghama Qaziabad.  Tehreek-i Adab Kashmir is one among the oldest literary organisations of District Kupwara. It wad established in 2002 by the name as Kaij Nag Cultural Forum proposed by Jinab Bashir Monwalpori, Dr. Faiz Qaziabadi , Jinab Ubaid-Rehman and ,Jinab G.N Malik. Besides these basic members it includes jinab Farooq Shaheen,  jinab Nazir-Ul Hassan Tabassum,  jinab Syed Rashid Jawher, jinab Ab. Ahah Jamsheed, jinab Habib-Ullah Kumar, Jinab Sayil Pandithpori etc and was providing the stage to new writers of then Tehsil Handwara District Kupwara.

Because of some technical issues in registration , it was unanimously decided  in the meeting of executive members and general council to change the name of "Kaij Nag cultural forum "to   "TEHREEK-I ADAB KASHMIR".
Then TEHREEK-I ADAB KASHMIR got registration from the Registrar of Societies of  Kashmir vide No. 6675-S of 2015. Dated 21-01-2015.

The aim and objectives of TEHREEK-I ADAB KASHMIR is to promote our mother tongue " KASHMIRI LANGUAGE ".  And is  organising programme for Urdu language also. It is also encouraging the little talented students,  new writers,  poets etc.

TEHREEK-I ADAB KASHMIR is organising the seminars, symposiums, Mushairas ( offline as well as Online if needed ) , literary conferences continuously and is working with zeal and zest especially for the promotion of Kashmiri language under the kind guidance of President Jinab
 Nazir-Ul Hassan Tabassum,  Patron Jinab Bashir Monwalpori and is having Vice-president Dr.Faiz Qaziabadi, Gen. Secretary Jinab Ubaid-ur Rehman,  secretary Jinab Ashraf Uqab, Treasurer Jinab Adil Ashraf and representative for Adbi Markaz Kamraz Jinab syed  Rashid Jawher.
The membership of TEHREEK-I ADAB KASHMIR is increasing day by day and is having members like Jibab syed Haneef Tirmizi, Jinab Dar Sabzar, jinab Majid Ganaie, Jinab Faizan Qureshi, Jinab Meer javid , jinab Mushtaq Gulshan, Jinab kownsir Mushtaq, Jinab Nazir Dilkash etc.

TEHREEK-I ADAB KASHMIR feel proud to be one of the active unit of Adbi Markaz Kamraz Jammu and Kashmir.

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*ادبی مرکز کمراز کی 44 ویں سالانہ 2 روزہ کشمیری کانفرنس نومبر میں ہوگی منعقد* *ولی محمد اسیر کشتواڑی اور ڈاکٹر رفیق مسعودی "شرفِ کمراز" ایوارڈ کے لئے منتخب* *ادبی تنظیم اِندر کلچرل فورم سمبل سوناواری بھی شرفِ کمراز اعزاز کے لئے ہوئی منتخب* مورخہ 6 اکتوبر 2024 کو ادبی

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مرکز کے صدر دفتر پر شاندار تقریب کا انعقاد، کثیر تعداد میں ادباء، شعراءکی شرکت 14جون 2024ء آج کانسپورہ بارہمولہ میں ادبی مرکز کمراز نے اپنے بنیاد گزاروں اور اسلاف کی یاد میں ایک پُروقار تقریب کا انعقاد کیا۔ تقریب کی صدارت معروف تاریخ دان پروفیسر فاروق فیاض نے کی۔

By adbimarkaz